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Brian Massumi / Erin Manning (Canada)

Propositions for Thought in Motion: Preface to Research-Creation

Fri, Jun 13, 2008
6.30 pm
Free admission

The Lectures open up a broad-based discourse on current issues such as the emergence of new subjectivities after the failure of identity politics, and discuss the question of how these issues can find expression at the intersection of artistic practice and political activity. Unless otherwise stated, the lectures will be held in English.

The body – according to the assumptions on which the reflections here are based – becomes a part of the world only through movement. So what is the relationship between performance and intellectual concepts? Brian Massumi’s socially critical writings make him one of the most important representatives of current philosophical discuourse. He pleads for a radical empiricist approach to analysing the reality of virtual worlds. Erin Manning, philosopher, artist and dancer, is the director of the Sense Lab, which researches the sensual perception of the body in motion. Her concept of ‘research creation’ underlines the connection between artistic practice and intellectual discourse.