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cie. salia nï seydou (Burkina Faso/France)

Weeleni, l'appel (2002)

Wed, Jun 11, 2008
10 pm
Admission: 15 Euros, concessions 10 Euros
Thu, Jun 12, 2008
9.30 pm
Admission: 15 Euros, concessions 10 Euros
cie. salia nï seydou , Weeleni, l'appel, Foto © Eric Dell'Erba

Combi-Tickets at reduced price (bought in advance until 18 h):

2 or 3 combi tickets: 15% reduction

4 combi tickets or more: 25% reduction

Festivalpass: 60 €

Three dancers and three solos that raise questions about the world beyond all social reason. ‘“Gestes” is devoted not only to the body that exposes itself to inquisitive eyes but also to its universally translatable language. “Waati, le temps” touches on the course of life: the fears, doubts and certainties. “fémininmasculin” represents a search inside a body full of contradictions that blend, mix, soften and intensify. Four musicians and three compositions – on the djembe and the guitar, with Mandinge melodies and Morrocan percussion. The musicians sit in a semi-circle, looking into the audience and acting out the scene. The dancers watch one another as they perform their solos, doubly exposing themselves. This constellation – comprising the almost motionless, observant figures on the one hand, and the dancers, on whom all eyes are fixed, on the other– draws everyone into its wake, creating a corporeal presence that is as fascinating as it is merciless. The company was founded by Salia Sanou and Seydou Boro, who used to belong to Mathilde Monnier’s company, and even performed in Weeleni. With their four jointly produced works, they have become the central protagonists in the renewal of African dance. In 2002, they received the French national prize Mérite des Arts et des Lettres.