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Worldtronics: Ma Iti?

An installation by Macabug

Tue, Nov 27, 2007
4 pm
- 24h, free admission
Wed, Nov 28, 2007
4 pm
- 24h, free admission
Thu, Nov 29, 2007
4 pm
- 24h, free admission
Fri, Nov 30, 2007
4 pm
- 24h, free admission
Sat, Dec 1, 2007
4 pm
- 24h, free admission

What’s happening to me? – That is what ‘Ma Iti?’ stands for in Hebraic. What do identity and home mean when one lives in Israel? How does one come to terms with the complexity of one’s own society? A documentary 4-screen video-installation by the artist duet Macabug examines these and similar questions. They are also responsible for the Israeli line-up. Macabug is composed of video-artist and photographer Ronni ‘Macaroni’ Shendar and musician and DJ Till ‘glitterbug’ Rohmann. Together, they have curated c.sides, the festival for electronic music and political media art, which confronts innovative art and Music with social, political, aesthetic and cultural questions.