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Lecture Performance

The Economy Enters the People

With Ho Rui An

Sun, Sep 12, 2021
Lecture Hall
7 pm
At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event.
More about Covid-19 admission regulations

In English

Duration: 80 min
Courtesy Ho Rui An

Since the late 1970s, the Chinese government has dispatched thousands of officials to Singapore to study its economic and social policies– in a time when “the economy” had replaced class struggle as the primary subject of governance. In The Economy Enters the People, this history of encounters between the two countries is re-examined against the present-day crisis of late capitalism with a focus on the topic of corruption: Is there a capitalism that “works” by being free of corruption? Has class politics been so utterly foreclosed that the people can, at best, replace governments and disgrace corporations but never abolish capitalism itself?

With Ho Rui An