Sandbox games and durational performance
Wandering Dunes 003
At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event.
More about Covid-19 admission regulations

Throughout the Berlin Art Week, the installation Wandering Dunes will be performatively activated on three days. In a heterophonic environment with parallel musical interventions by the Cottbus Choir and other invited musicians, games will be offered at the sandbox. Visitors can participate or simply listen and watch.
After performances at Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol and Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves, Wandering Dunes 003 is the third iteration in the installation Wandering Dunes.
Part of Berlin Art Week
With Sina Ahmadi, André Alves, Lucile Desamory, Yusuf Ergün, Franz Friedrich, Şifa Girinci, Valeria Gordeev, Michael Guggenheim, Margareth Kammerer, Rudi Katholnig, Leonor Narciso, Laura Mello, Eduard Mont de Palol, Rico Repotente, Konstantin Schimanowski, Aaron Snyder, Florina Speth, Helga Utz, Meret Weber