Archive until 2022. To the current program


Responsabilidad empresarial

D: Jonathan Perel, Argentinia 2020, 68 min | Showing first: Incendiary Cinema, 2 min

Fri, Jul 30, 2021
10 pm
Open-air in HKW's Westgarten
The event will be cancelled if poor weather is forecasted. The decision will be announced on Twitter and Facebook on the day of the event at approx. 5pm.

At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event. Before the event, please check this website for the daily updated regulations.
More about Covid-19 admission regulations
Responsabilidad empresarial (film still)

Responsabilidad empresarial/Corporate Accountability

D: Jonathan Perel, Argentina 2020, 68 min, OV with English subtitles

Over the last 15 years, the bloody military regime (1976–1983) has been referred to as a "civic-military dictatorship" due to the heavy involvement of civil sectors in its operations. Those linked to big companies were the main beneficiaries of its economic policies. These companies actively contributed to the repression of workers and union delegates and even to the tragic count of the 30,000 ”desaparecidos”. Jonathan Perel's documentary is as precise as possible about this complicity with death and terror. His method is disarmingly simple, but also clear and powerful: The documentary consists of handheld long shots of these companies all over Argentina today, most of them still active. On the soundtrack, we hear excerpts from the 25 case studies which make up the report by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

Showing first:

Incendiary Cinema

D: Ken Jacobs, USA 2005, 2 min, no dialogue

Made for the Viennale Trailer 2005.