Archive until 2022. To the current program

Canceled: Salon für Ästhetische Experimente #17: Presents

A Screening of Performative Video Works on Sickness, Disability and Connection

Mon, Oct 12, 2020
7 pm
In English

More about the program:
in Auftrag gegeben von Romily Alice Walden und Frances Breden, Illustration: Panteha Abareshi

Due to the current situation and to protect the artists and guests unfortunately the Salon on October 12 has to be canceled.

Note from the curators:
We invite you to engage with Presents online from the comfort of your own home; you can find all of the videos and scores from the artists in full here: If you are interested in more information about the project, please send an e-mail with your postal address to and we will send you a short publication we were intending to give out at the event. We apologize for the short notice cancellation and hope to host an in-person salon again soon.

Performative art does not require an abled or physically normative body. Video works by sick and disabled artists expand the idea of what is traditionally understood as performance, presenting work that is embodied, immediate and present without forcing bodies to conform to ableist norms of art-making. The curators of the show will present the works and discuss with the artists about sickness, mechanisms of exclusion in the art world, solidarity and non-discrimination.

Panteha Abareshi: Natural Disaster
Park McArthur & Constantina Zavitsanos: Scores for Carolyn
Clay AD: Call in the Ghosts to Guide Us - an Excerpt
Johanna Hedva: The word for body left my body
Lauryn Youden: Dark Water
Kevin Gotkin, Yo-Yo Lin & Pelenakeke Brown: Glitchual
Romily Alice Walden: the mind is the house the body is a meat cave
Pelenakeke Brown: Enter Return

Curated by Frances Breden, Romily Alice Walden