
Not for Sale: Feminism and Art in the USA during the 1970s

Counter Cinema

Sat, Oct 27, 2007
10 pm
Admission: 5 €, concessions 3 €

The theme of the Counter Cinema section of the programme is the active protest against the dominant narrative tradition of Hollywood. Unconventional film languages sketch biographies of individuals in New York who have resisted the pull of the mainstream – pioneering figures of the avantgarde such as the filmmaker Maya Deren and the artist Jack Smith. The alternative history of New York also includes films about feminism.

Not for Sale: Feminism and Art in the USA during the 1970s

D: Laura Cottingham, USA 1998, 90 min, OV

A documentary video essay about feminist art in 1970s New York: the story of over one hundred visual artists who, in the course of the civil rights and feminist movements, explored new forms of cultural production.