Technosphärenklänge #7: Pantha du Prince
Additional show
Remaining tickets may be available at the box office

6 pm: Pantha du Prince: Conference of Trees

When trees communicate what does it sound like? What would you hear if a tambura built from ash played the data set of its cellular structure? Can it make contact with a marimba made of maple?
Stories told for millennia in countless narratives across all cultures are confirmed by contemporary science: Trees exchange information across long distances. In the Berlin premiere of Conference of Trees, Hendrik Weber, better known as Pantha du Prince, translates this cellular “conversation” into an audio-visual composition of avant-garde music and electronic club sounds, visual poetry, and speculative science. The exceptional musician and producer will be accompanied by a percussion ensemble consisting of Håkon Stene and Bendik Kjeldsberg along with Messer’s drummer Manuel Chittka as well as jazz musician and multi-instrumentalist Friedrich Paravicini. Using projectors and costumes, they visualize the human transformation of nature spirits and trees, thus linking scientific findings with myths. On hand-crafted percussion and string instruments made of wood as well as vibraphone and hurdy-gurdy, the exceptional musician and producer makes the tonal characteristics of different types of wood audible in an immersive spatial setting. The various instruments enter into a dialog like trees in a forest.