Queering Memory. Archives – Arts – Audiences
Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections: An International LGBTIQ* Conference
3-days-ticket: 150€/45€
Day ticket: 55€/18€
Evening ticket: 10€/5€

How can diversity be remembered? How can artistic approaches make historical collections and archival material on contemporary queer history tangible? How can queer art, culture, and history be archived and exhibited?
The Berlin ALMS Conference is dedicated to a dialogue about the art of remembering and collecting. On the centenary of the founding of Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, which was located approximately where HKW stands today, archivists, activists, scientists, and artists remember the pioneer of the homosexual emancipation movement. Along with lectures and artistic contributions, they discuss the role played by digital media in visualizing queer history and how archives and museums can be used in the fight against homophobia and transphobia.
An event by the Magnus Hirschfeld Society in partnership with Forschungsstelle Kulturgeschichte der Sexualität at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Feministisches Archiv, Queer Nations Initiative, Lili-Elbe-Archiv, Schwules Museum, Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv, hosted by HKW