Concerning Matters and Truths
Postmodernism's Shift and the Left-Right-Divide
Conference Room 1, Vortragssaal, Hirschfeld Bar
Registration and contact:

Today, changed political providences are a challenge to postcolonial and poststructuralist theory. Much of what had long been the target of emancipatory, left-wing critique is now also being co-opted by nationalist-authoritarian movements; thus not only the political left, but also right-wing populists criticize neoliberalism, capitalism, and globalization and employ key concepts of French Theory, like deconstruction and simulation, to consolidate their power.
Against this background, cultural scholars ask how they can defend the achievements of poststructuralism and its questioning of hegemonic truths. Participants include Chantal Mouffe, Eyal Weizman, Omer Fast, and Helmuth Lethen.
An event held by the Graduiertenkolleg Das Reale in der Kultur der Moderne at the University of Konstanz under the direction of Albrecht Koschorke in cooperation with Karin Harrasser (University of Art and Design Linz)
Registration and detailed program at: