Lectures and Talk
Technosphärenklänge #4: Lectures and Talk
With Morton Subotnick and Valery Vermeulen

Valery Vermeulen: How to make music from deep space, Wall Street or biofeedback
Is it possible to translate the old Greek idea of having no distinction between art and science to a contemporary musical context? In his talk Vermeulen will focus on three of his projects in which he combines his passions for both mathematics and music: EMO-Synth automatically generated music and sound are directed by artificial intelligence and the emotional responses of the user. The Krystal Ball project interweaves mechanisms that caused the global financial crisis, stochastic and algorithmic music generation, and the work of Iannis Xenakis. Mikromedas uses data from space, deep space and astrophysical simulation models as tools for music composition.
Morton Subotnick: The Technological Big Bang: Tape Recorders, the Transistor & the Credit Card (a personal history)
A lecture-demonstration of creating music in the wake of the techno-logical big bang and the early development of today's techno music culture: in his presentation Subotnick traces the various stages of his life's work and fifty years of experimental and electronic music development in the context of its time.
Conversation with Morton Subotnick, Alec Empire, and Lillevan, moderated by Jan Rohlf (ctm)