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The Quantifiable Everything? - STARTS Roundtable on The Internet of Things

with: Peter Friess, Bruce Sterling, Luis Miguel Girao, Frank Rieger, David Cuartielles

Sun, Feb 1, 2015
Lecture Hall
11.30 am–1 pm
Admission: 8€/5€

The panel is organised through the STARTS initiative that sets out to bring together artists, scientists and technologists to explore new ways of working.

"Stop pretending that bits don't decay. Or that the virtual lacks any real-world consequences. The Internet of Things is at hand. Things that are Internet. Internet that is things. It's gonna settle that argument once and for all." - Bruce Sterling at the transmediale 2014 afterglow, opening ceremony.

When every thing and its potential relation to every other thing is assigned a number, physical reality becomes addressable and open to new economic and social interactions. This panel asks if tech developers, hackers and artists can respond in both critical and constructive ways to the challenges of the quantification of every-thing in ways that reach beyond the banal visions of the self-ordering fridge and the city as a digitally assisted playground. In a future hyper-connected society with semi-autonomous objects, what are the socio-cultural challenges and opportunities of the drive towards interconnected material and immaterial structures, through "Smart" technologies, innovation, maker and app driven economies? The panel is organised through the STARTS initiative that sets out to bring together artists, scientists and technologists to explore new ways of working.

See for more information.

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