Archive until 2022. To the current program


Levels of Intrusion

with: Colin Hacklander, Farahnaz Hatam, Fredrik Olofsson

Sat, Jan 31, 2015
Hirschfeld Bar
8–8.30 pm
Free admission

In the second iteration of an AV performance developed for The Magical Secrecy Tour, Hacklander\Hatam again join forces with programming guru Fredrik Olofsson.

The goal of surveillance is to get inside your head. In the second iteration of an AV performance developed for The Magical Secrecy Tour, Hacklander\Hatam again join forces with programming guru Fredrik Olofsson. Originally created for 5 June 2014, one year after the first Snowden revelations, the new version of the piece, Levels of Intrusion, harnesses live twitter streams; using the SuperCollider programming environment for sound synthesis; stroboscopic control systems; ancient & modern encryption methods; rhythmic inputs derived from secure deletion algorithms such as the DoD Method; embedding texts including Snowden's 2013 Moscow Statement & A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace.

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