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Moreno - Domenico - Kassin

Psychedelic Rock + Pop

Fri, Jun 23, 2006
8 pm
Admission for both concerts at this evening: 5 € (free entrance to the exhibitions included)
Moreno-Domenico-Kassin, Copyright: Promo/ Calé

Three musicians, three extremely individual perspectives. Bass player Kassin plays Tex Mex and Ska. As a musician and producer, he has jammed with Marisa Monte and Arto Lindsay. Drummer Dominico Lancelotti was previously a member of an experimental rock band. And last but not least: singer and multi-instrumentalist Moreno Veloso is the son of Tropicalismo star Caetano Veloso. The trio takes us back to the sixties and seventies, when Brazil’s traditional music met psychedelic rock and pop from Britain and the USA. Time travel at its most topical.

subsequently: football live