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Attuning to 'Data Doubles'

with: Stephen Fortune, Matthew Plummer Fernandez, Andrea Núñez Casal, Ilaria Biotti

Thu, Jan 29, 2015
Hirschfeld Bar
2–3.30 pm
Free admission

This panel explores how life is led in conjunction with data systems.

Research by Turiano, N et al (2014) correlated categorical data (how 'in control' a given point of data, i.e. a person, feels) with longitudinal epidemiological data. Less education tallied with a greater sense of mastery, and less risk of mortality in comparison to well educated members of the same populace. All caveats with respect to generalising noted, this instance highlights the problem of sufficient information when it comes to acting in accordance with ‘risk profile’ medicinal predictions. Said abstractions are construed through, and operate by, probabilistic analysis of population scale cohorts, so a similar problem of access and agency applies to other quotidian domains from which aggregate data profiles are constructed (governance, insurance and marketing) via data analysis. These data doubles come to bear upon, and exert agency over, a given person’s range of action. Data shadows are actors in informatic society, but how do we relate to them?