War of Images
Modernity and its Discontinuities
organized by German Federal Cultural Foundation and House of World Cultures, conference languages: English, Arabic, and German with simultaneous translations
Focus 4: Developments in International Relations
11:00–13:00 h Presentations
Emmanuel Sivan, Jerusalem: Islamic Networks: Economic, Cultural, and Political Aspects
Farish A. Noor, Berlin/Kuala Lumpur: Parallel Globalisations
Bernd Ulrich, Berlin: The Newest World Order – A Scenario
Moderation: Andreas Zumach, Geneva
13:00–14:00h Lunch break
Focus 5: Strategies for the Future
14:00–16:00 h Lecture followed by a panel discussion
Seyla Benhabib, New Haven/Connecticut: Identity and Difference – Discourses on the Development of a Transnational Global Society
Panel discussion: Seyla Benhabib, New Haven/Connecticut / Ashis Nandy, Delhi / Berlin / Werner Schiffauer, Frankfurt/Oder
Moderation: Krassimir Stojanov, Hannover
War of Images
Modernity and its Discontinuities
The controversies surrounding the caricatures of the prophet Muhammad and the violent reactions in the Islamic world raise important questions about the rules by which cultures with different value systems can peacefully co-exist. Suddenly, it has become clear just how far-reaching the phenomenon of globalisation has become. Indeed, every act of public communication today has the potential to be perceived by every other individual, regardless of where he or she lives. Limiting a message to a particular country or target group is no longer possible.
The goal of the conference is to discuss strategies for preventing further polarisation. During the discussions we will focus on five main points:
What logic do media interventions follow in the age of globalisation, and what role is played by the transcultural iconography of images in these interventions?
How do representatives of state institutions and Muslim communities treat polarisations between «Islam and the West» in their efforts to promote integration in Europe and, in particular, in Germany?
What role do the simultaneous and often contradictory demands and expectations of different cultures play when it comes to developing a modern consensus on pivotal civil and human rights?
Which global changes influence the co-existence of individuals and societies?
Which strategies do we need to achieve a peaceful and rewarding co-existence of individuals and societies with different value systems?