Lecture and discussion
The Anthropocene – An Engineered Age?
Climate Engineering Conference
in English

Climate engineering is rapidly becoming a controversial issue within political, scientific, and cultural discussions of climate change.
The “Climate Engineering Conference 2014: Critical Global Discussions” aims to bring together and foster dialogue among stakeholders from around the world. The closing session at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt will reflect on the perspectives and insights discussed at the conference.
Klaus Töpfer (IASS-Potsdam)
Armin Grunwald (Office of Technology Assessment of the German Parliament)
Clive Hamilton (Charles Sturt University)
Thomas Ackerman (University of Washington)
Oliver Morton, Moderator, The Economist
More information on www.ce-conference.org
Organised by: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) e.V.
In co-operation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and other partners.