Feb 12–17, 2005
Berlinale Talent Campus # 3
Designing your future
"A film festival with a difference, and much more anarchic and gripping." With these words, the French newspaper Libération described "one of the most important initiatives for the future of the Berlinale" (Anthony Minghella): the Berlinale Talent Campus. Building on its great success over the last two years, Campus will be entering its third round at the House of World Cultures under the title "Designing Your Future". Once again, the International Film Festival Berlin is inviting around 500 young film-makers from across the globe to participate in workshops, exchange experiences and network with outstanding figures from the international film scene at the House of World Cultures. The selection jury is filled with keen anticipation: over 3,500 up-and-coming film-makers applied to take part in the last Campus. There are places for 520 young talents from 82 countries.
The Berlinale Talent Campus 2005 programme concentrates on the five stages of film-making: philosophy, pre-production, production, post-production and promotion. And these will be the themes of fifty workshops, talks, screenings and discussions. The special focus of the "Designing Your Future"-programme is on production design and film architecture.
During Campus week, young talents will work in small teams in Working-Campus projects. Working Campus comprises Talent Movie of the Week, Script Clinic, Talent Project Market, the Volkswagen Score Competition, The Talent Press and the Berlin Today Award. A new project, Doc Clinic, has been announced for 2005. It will give young documentary film-makers an opportunity to discuss their project ideas with experts and colleagues from all over the world.
The Talent Campus will again be organised by the existing project team run by Christine Dorn (manager), Thomas Struck (talents) and Christine Tröstrum (production manager).
The Berlinale Talent Campus is an initiative launched by the International Film Festival Berlin (a division of the Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH), in co-operation with MEDIA Training, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Skillset, the UK Film Council and Volkswagen.
Press contact: Birgit Mangold Televisor Press Coordinator
Phone: ++4030-259 20 518
E-mail: pr@berlinale-talentcampus.de
For detailed information visit the website:
berlinale-talents.de (formerly Berlinale Talent Campus)