
Max-von-Laue-Schule with Susanne Dzeik and Markus Bauer, filmArche Berlin

New Experts! | filmArche: Susanne Dzeik Markus Bauer & Max-von-Laue-Schule | Kommen/Bleiben | photo: Afroditi Karafoulidou

The students first explored the uses of audio-visual design and then developed documentary and fictional film perspectives on their jointly developed topic complex of Coming and Staying. They deal with migration and racism, with friendship and family within their Berlin environment.

Max-von-Laue-Schule is an integrated secondary school and German/Greek Staatliche Europa-Schule in Berlin Lichterfelde. With Adigüzel Furkan, Andreas Chalatsis, Dimitrios Christakos, Nikos Daoultzis, Petros Delios, Leon-Pascal Güll, Stamatios Koumlialis, Nikolaos Morfonios, Ioannis Papadimitriou, Georgios Patsionis, Thanasis Politsopoulos, Moritz Sülter, Kann Turan, Kledian Vladi, Adrien Wick, Nico Wille, Kamilla A., Angelina Hesse, Afroditi Karafoulidou, Louisa-Sofie Meyer-Waldeck, Anastasia Taxiarchopoulou, Louiza Taxiarchopoulou, Michelle Zeugträger, Nino Zviadauri and others

filmArche e.V. Berlin is a self-organized film school, which, since 2003, has offered courses in directing, documentary film direction, montage, camera, screenplay and production, focusing on the practical implementation of film projects.

Markus Bauer is a documentary filmmaker, editor, workshop lecturer, film curator and presenter. He studied media arts with a focus on precariousness and new forms of work in Zurich and film montage at the filmArche, specializing in experimental and essay films. Markus Bauer is currently working on a film essay on the links between homo- and transphobia as well as racist structures in the public, urban space.

Susanne Dzeik is a filmmaker and cinematographer. She studied political science at the Freie Universität Berlin and cinematography at the self-organized film school filmArche Berlin. She teaches film workshops at schools from Berlin to Cameroon to Brazil. She has made a number of shorts and documentary films and worked as cinematographer for the long-term documentary Nach dem Brand (2012), which was co-produced by the NDR and nominated for the Prix Europa and the Grimme-Preis. Her documentary film Cloudmakingmachine is currently in the evaluation phase.