Archive until 2022. To the current program

Sebastian Vehlken

Sebastian Vehlken is a media theorist and cultural historian. Since 2013, he is Junior Director of the Institute for Advanced Study on Media Cultures of Computer Simulation (MECS), Leuphana University of Lüneburg. In 2015/16, he was Visiting Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, University of Vienna, and Leuphana University, and in 2014 Research Fellow at the Internationales Zentrum Kulturwissen- scha en (IFK), Vienna. His areas of interest include the theory and history of computer simulation and digital media, the media history of swarm intelligence, and the epistemology of think tanks. His current research project Plutonium Worlds explores the appli- cation of computer simulations in West-German Fast Breeder Reactor programs from 1960–80.

Campus 2016

Technosphere × Knowledge:

Technosphere × Knowledge

The Scenario Mode

Presentations, film, discussion

Apr 14, 2016