Archive until 2022. To the current program

Melanie Sehgal

Melanie Sehgal is Professor of Literary, Science and Media Studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt(Oder). She initiated FORMATIONS against the background of her research interests: forms of speculative thinking beyond the nature/culture divide such as classical pragmatism, process philosophy and science and technology studies. Her current research explores speculative histories and futures of aesthetics beyond modern bifurcations and new forms of critical thinking. Since 2012 she has hosted the workshop and lecture series Experimental Speculations/Speculative Experimentations. She is the author of Eine situierte Metaphysik. Empirismus und Spekulation bei William James und Alfred North Whitehead (2016).

Campus 2016

Technosphere × Knowledge:

Technosphere × Knowledge

Wisdom Techniques

Demonstrations, discussion

Apr 16, 2016