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Erich Hörl

Erich Hörl is full professor of Media Culture at the Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM) at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. He is also senior researcher at Leuphana's Digital Culture Research Lab (DRCL). His research interests include the elaboration of a general ecology of media and technology as well as the description as well as the critique of the process of cyberneticization. He is the contributing editor of Die technologische Bedingung. Beiträge zur Beschreibung der technischen Welt (Berlin 2011: Suhrkamp). Among his articles is „A Thousand Ecologies: The Process of Cyberneticization and General Ecology“, in The Whole Earth. California and the Disappearance of the Outside, ed. by Diedrich Diederichsen and Anselm Franke, Berlin 2013: Sternberg Press, pp. 121-130.


Triggers: Introducing the Technosphere

The Technosphere, Now
With Peter K. Haff, Mark B. N. Hansen, Erich Hörl, Jürgen Renn, Birgit Schneider

Round table

Oct 2, 2015

100 Years of Now. The Opening

Dreaming Collectives

With Jennifer Gabrys, Erich Hörl, Clapperton C. Mavhunga, and Laurence A. Rickels

Dialogues in Three Parallel Threads

Sep 30, 2015