Bernd Hopfengärtner
Bernd Hopfengärtner is a designer and futurologist. He is interested in design as an interdisciplinary intermediary, placed between natural science, engineering, cultural and media theory, and everyday life. His work has been exhibited at the Wellcome Trust in London, MoMA in New York, and National Museum of China in Beijing, among others. He lives in Berlin. Together with Alexander Klose and Benjamin Steininger, he has been developing the speculative research project "Beauty of Oil.”
1948 Unbound:
1948 Unbound
With Priya Basil, Marina Frenk, Dieter Hiller, Alexander Ilitchevsky, Stephanie LeMenager, Jens Soentgen, Oxana Timofeeva
Cinematographic multi-channel installation
Dec 1, 2017