Alexander Ilitschewski

Alexander Ilitschewski is an author of novels and essays. He spent his childhood in Azerbaijan, studied and taught theoretical physics in Moscow, and emigrated to California in the mid 1990s. Today he lives in Jerusalem. In 2009, his prize-winning novel Pers (The Persian) was published (the German translation, Der Perser, was published in 2016). It draws a portrait of the economic, political, and social transitions in the oil region of Baku from the time of the Nobels and Rothschilds until today.

1948 Unbound:

1948 Unbound


With Priya Basil, Marina Frenk, Dieter Hiller, Alexander Ilitchevsky, Stephanie LeMenager, Jens Soentgen, Oxana Timofeeva

Cinematographic multi-channel installation

Dec 1, 2017