Christian Winkler
Christian Winkler studied German in Graz, cultural management at Goldsmiths College in London and dramatic writing at uniT. In 2007 he received the Retzhofer literature award and in 2012 the literature scholarship from the City of Graz. He was then invited to the Werkstatttagen am Burgtheater, to the hotINK festival in New York and to Text trifft Regie at the Staatstheater Mainz. He received an award from the Berlin Schaubühne for his play In den Arkaden in 2010. In 2012, his Räuberzelle got the critics’ prize for best radio play. He has created a number of theatre projects together with Franz von Strolchen, such as Stammtisch – Trilogie des Zusammenlebens Vol. 1 (2014), Maidorf – Trilogie des Zusammenlebens Vol. 2 (2016) and Fictional State – Trilogie des Zusammenlebens Vol. 3 (2015). His 13-part series Rennbahn der Leidenschaft ran at Thalia Theater in Hamburg in 2013.

The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other – An Observation of Time
Oct 4, 2015