Björn Meyer
Björn Meyer studied at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg and performed in many student projects at Thalia Theater, St. Pauli Theater and Kampnagel. He was in a number of works in collaboration with the director Johannes Ender, such as Das Duell, Der Schimmelreiter and KarlMaySelf. Björn Meyer also acts often in film and television productions. He has been a regular guest at Thalia Theater for some time, acting in the Thalia soap Rennbahn der Leidenschaft by Christian Winkler, in Die Wilde 13 by Olivia Wenzel (director: Jan Gehler), Bei den wilden Kerlen (director: Christina Rast) and in Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wußten by Peter Handke (director: Tiit Ojasoo/Ene-Liis Semper).

The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other – An Observation of Time
Oct 4, 2015