Questions and Answers regarding the Call for Proposals Meridian l Urban. Curatorial Projects on Health

1. To whom is the call directed?

The Call for Proposals Meridian l Urban. Curatorial Projects on Health is aimed at up-and-coming curators who already have initial curatorial experience with art in the public domain. There is no age limit. We are looking for curators with links to Berlin and the Asia-Pacific region, to present works focusing on the subject of health. The aim is to realize a project with the emphasis on aspects of particular relevance to the Asia-Pacific region. However, an emphasis on issues without specific relevance to Asia is not a criterion for exclusion.

2. What application documents should I submit and what are the criteria?

  • PDF Application form with personal details (the form must be completed online and sent by clicking the “Submit by Email“ button within the form)
  • A detailed concept of the project along with visual elements such as sketches, photos, plans etc.
  • A proposal for a public space in central Berlin for the presentation, along with a sketch of the location (the proposed location must offer free and unrestricted public access and may be indoors or outdoors)
  • List of participating artists and curators with short résumés
  • Portrayal of curatorial projects realized so far
  • Schedule for development and implementation
  • Financial plan (the selected projects will receive a maximum of €20,000 in extra funding)
  • Applications, which must be in English and in the form of a pdf file with a maximum size of 9 MB must be submitted online by 17 September via'); $crypt->output(); ?> . Applications arriving after this deadline cannot be processed.
  • At least one member of each project team, (curator or artist) must be resident in Berlin and at least one member must provide documentation of a connection to the Asia-Pacific region.

3. What is the call offering?

  • In addition to financial support for up to five projects amounting to a maximum of € 20,000 per selected project, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt will provide participants with logistical support during production work and the realization of their project. In the period from October 2010 to late December 2010, a representative of each selected project will be invited to a preparatory production meeting in Berlin.
  • - The projects will have the opportunity to establish links with Berlin and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. They will also receive access to an international network of curators. A representative of each selected project will be invited to take part in the workshop Synapse in September 2011 and present their project. In the process, they will have the opportunity for international exchange, dialogue and exposure for their project.

4. How will participants be selected?

An international jury comprising Dr. Katja Blomberg (art historian / director of the Haus am Waldsee, Berlin), Yu Yeon Kim (independent curator, New York/Seoul), Osvaldo Sánchez (curator/director Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City) and Adele Tan (art historian, critique, Singapore), will select up to five projects. Successful applicants will be informed in mid-October. No details on the ongoing selection procedure will be made available before then.

5. May a project use third-party funding?

The selected projects will be allowed to seek additional sponsors, in cooperation with and with the support of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

6. May curator teams also apply?

Both individual curators and teams of curators may apply. Each team may make one project proposal only. There is no restriction on the number of artists involved in a project. However, the project must be realistically achievable with the stipulated funding. In the case of curator teams, one representative will be invited to the production meeting. That representative will remain the contact partner for the duration of the project.

7. May artists also apply with their work?

The call is aimed exclusively at curators, artists’ applications cannot be taken into consideration, unless they fulfill the necessary criteria for curators (see points 1 and 2) and also present works by other artists.

8. Will curators and artists receive fees?

The maximum funding of € 20,000 per project covers all expenses that arise during production, including artists’ and curators’ fees. The total fees must be stated in the financial plan and agreed with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.