Film Colloquium 2: The Society
Fight Club I Les maîtres fous

Introduction: Georg Seeßlen and Olaf Möller, film scholar and journalist
11:00 h
Fight Club
D: David Fincher, USA 1999, 120 min., German version
With Mit Brad Pitt and Edward Norton
Frustration over their standardized life turns a group of men into sadomasochists for whom only the merciless, bare-fisted fight brings the feeling of being alive. The club’s numbers continually grow, feeding the grand fantasy at work under the surface: the nascence of terrorism.
13:30 h
Les maîtres fous (The Mad Masters)
D: Jean Rouch, France 1954, 35 min., with live German narration
The god of thunder and wrath possesses the dancers of the West African Hauka sect during their trance ceremonies. Through violent rejection and simultaneous imitation of their colonial rulers, the humiliated local inhabitants can cleanse themselves of their anger. Jean Rouch filmed the annual ritual.
Guardini Foundation in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt
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