Archive until 2022. To the current program


Film Colloquium 1: The Individual

Warum läuft Herr R. Amok? I Chronic I Field

Fri, Apr 16, 2010
Exhibition Hall 1
6 pm
Admission: 8 € / 5 € Session 1, 15 € / 12 € for Fri + Sat together
Chronic, © Promo

Introduction: Georg Seeßlen, film critic, author and columnist

Warum läuft Herr R. Amok?

D: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, West Germany 1970, 84 min., German OV


D: Jennifer Reeves, USA 1996, 37 min., with live German narration


D: Duane Hopkins, UK 2000, 10 min., German subtitles

The daily grind of work at the drafting board, the boss’s criticism, evening television: When Herr R. explodes, it comes as a stroke of liberation for the viewer. The Fassbinder classic is followed by “Chronic,” about the auto-aggression of a young woman, and “Field,” in which youths torment whatever happens to get in their way.

On Rage - Film Colloquium: The sessions

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