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Jun 29–Jul 4, 2010

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid 2010

New Cinema and Contemporary Art

Film, Videos, Video parcours, Debates

Since 2007, Rencontres Internationales has taken place not just in Berlin and Paris but also in Madrid, three of Europe’s major cultural and historical cities. Rencontres Internationales is a unique artistic and cultural platform in Europe, offering artists, networks, and diverse audiences a wide variety of projection screens and points of contact.

The Rencontres Internationales program revolves around today’s societal, social and philosophical discourse, issues predominantly embedded within an artistic context. These international encounters occur not only among cities and landscapes, but for the most part at the level of artistic discourse.

Experimental film is a construction with an open end: The experiment cannot be planned in advance or in detail. This remnant of uncertainty leads to a tension that the experimental film is, again and again, still able to convey, in that the parameters by which it is produced are redefined and often developed for the first time for the film in question.

In 2010, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Rencontres Internationales jointly invite you to enter this new territory and go beyond language barriers, because exploring open terrains is experienced directly. The new program was previously presented from 30 November – 9 December 2009 at the Centre Pompidou, the Jeu de Paume and the Théâtre du Châtelet and after its opening in Madrid (April) it will travel to the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in June.

Detailed program at: