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Mapa Teatro, Colombia

Ansío los Alpes; así nacen los Lagos (2008) Text: Händl Klaus, "Ich ersehne die Alpen; So entstehen die Seen"

Wed, Jun 17, 2009
7.30 pm
Admission: 13 €, concessions 8 €
Fri, Jun 19, 2009
7.30 pm
Admission: 13 €, concessions 8 €

Spanish with German overtitles

MAPA Teatro, Ansío los Alpes, Courtesy the artist

Two monologues, artfully interwoven. Olivia: "I ache for the Alps with their spacious coldness, no wonder I'm choking on my feathers under the roof." Bruno up in the mountains: "Now I am not so sure, was it a person? Yes, for sure, and dead too, and that’s why he’s deathly pale and bitterly cold like this glacier in the morning, he must have been lying here for a long while.” This very Austrian work by Händl Klaus – voted in 2004 as playwright of the year by “Theater heute”— is congenially translated by Mapa Teatro. The theater collective which consistently zeroes in on the realities of Columbia through their adaptations of Shakespeare to Müller, exaggerate the absurdity in the play to a virtually Pinteresque scenario of violence and innocence.

Artists’ Talk with Mapa Teatro, Fri 19.6. after the show

See also:

„Opereta Marciana“ Fri 19.6. 23.15 h and Sat 20.6. 22.15 h