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Convention in celebration of the TAZ 30th Anniversary

Do something! - Utopia & Freedom

Sat, Apr 18, 2009
9 am–6 pm
Sun, Apr 19, 2009
9 am–6 pm

Day 1 | Day 2 and 3

9 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.

Two and a half days of politics and culture, the daily newspaper TAZ poses the ultimate question: What kind of world do we want to live in?

Workshops, panel discussions and lectures on Climate Policy, Law & Order, Gender Democracy, Global Future, Generation of peace.

With: Jutta Allmendinger, Heiner Bielefeldt, Michael Braungart, Heinz Bude, David Cohn, Anke Domscheit, Carolin Emcke, Monika Hauser, Dagmar Herzog, Barbara Keddi, Necla Kelek, Constanze Kurz, Barbara Lochbihler, Boris Palmer, Stefan Rahmstorf, Tariq Ramadan, Saskia Sassen, Wolfgang Schäuble, Paul Scheffer, Richard Sennett , Hilal Sezgin, Maria Sveland, Harald Welzer u.v.a.

In between reflecting on things and arguing, the Mobile Massage will be there to help you relax – while on the roof wines are served. WAM KAT will be cooking – (c)TOM signing books – and Seyfried & Ziska drawing comics with guests on the theme: “Step by step into paradise, or head over heels into the shite” – the group Theatersport Berlin will be presenting impro-theater – followed by An Evening with Bernd Begemann – the fantastic performance group the YES MEN – a Sunday boat trip “Berlin seen from the water" – and, already filled to overflowing, the grand gala of political activities – plus readings from the Wahrheit column by Harry Rowohlt, Ralf Sotscheck and others.

Day 1 | Day 2 and 3