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Convention in celebration of the TAZ 30th Anniversary

Do something! - Utopia & Freedom

Fri, Apr 17, 2009
5 pm
Free admission

Day 1 | Day 2 and 3

17.00 h: Opening and Gala

Taz editor-in-chief Bascha Mika, MeP Daniel Cohn-Bendit and HKW Director Bernd Scherer will be launching the taz congress Tu Was? with speeches on 'Utopia and Freedom'. They will be followed by a sound performance by Dorle Ferber and a presentation of selected photos, entitled “Go on dreaming”, by long-standing taz photographers.

20.30 h: Taz Anniversary Gala and Revue

A grand anniversary gala hosted by Sonia Mikich (Monitor) featuring Hans-Christian Ströbele (the Greens), Elke Schmitter (author) and Klaus Wowereit (Mayor of Berlin), among others. It will be followed by an anniversary revue featuring Jacques Palminger of Studio Braun fame and guests. The anniversary gala is already sold out and will be broadcast live on the large screen – followed by a DJ party and a midnight concert by Wolfgang Niedecken. Admission free!

Day 1 | Day 2 and 3