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Evan Calder Williams

Evan Calder Williams is senior faculty member at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York. He is the author of Combined and Uneven Apocalypse (2011), Roman Letters (2011), Shard Cinema (2017) and two forthcoming books, The Negative Archive and Manual Override: A Theory of Sabotage. He is the translator, with David Fernbach, of a new edition of Mario Mieli’s Towards a Gay Communism, and his essays have appeared in publications such as Film Quarterly, Frieze, Estetica, The Italianist, World Picture, Cultural Politics and the Journal of American Studies. He is a founding member of the moving image and research collective 13BC and has presented individual and collaborative films, installations and audio works at the Berlinale; Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin; 80WSE Gallery and Whitney Museum, New York; Mercer Union and Images Festival, Toronto, and elsewhere.

As of November 2019