Archive until 2022. To the current program

Yayra Sumah

Yayra Sumah is a PhD candidate at Columbia University. She researches Congolese (DRC) history, the politics of decolonization, and the ontology and epistemology of Central African healing. Her interests include poetry, art, activism and cultural criticism. She has written for Borderlines (CSAAME), SUNU: Journal of African Affairs, Critical Thought + Aesthetics and Paletten Art Journal.

As of May 2020

Publications & Contributions:

New Alphabet School Blog: #Healing
The Medicine Comes from the Poison
April 27, 2021


  • Our Songs, our Medicines

    Part of “New Alphabet School #Healing” With Alessandra Pomarico, Esther Poppe, Yayra Sumah, Maya V. El Zanaty English original version Curators' introduction, Feb 4, 2021
    Video details