Archive until 2022. To the current program

Karrabing Film Collective

The Karrabing Film Collective is a grassroots Indigenous arts and film group founded in 2008, and currently based in the Top End of the Northern Territory. Using their aesthetic practices as a means of self-organization and social analysis, Karrabing develop local artistic languages, while allowing audiences to understand new forms of collective Indigenous agency. Some of their recent works are Wutharr, Saltwater Dreams (2016), Windjarrameru (The Stealing C*nt$) (2015), and When the Dogs Talked (2014). Among other venues, their films have been shown at the Countour Biennale 8 (2017), 67th Berlin International Film Festival – Berlinale, Forum Expanded (2017), documenta 14 (2017), and the Sydney Biennale (2016). The Collective consists of some 25 members.

As of September 2017