Archive until 2022. To the current program

Tanja Krone

Tanja Krone is a director, curator, performer, and musician. In her works she addresses art as a realm of possibility and the issue of social participation and is continually and persistently in search of the poetic in the documentary. At the Artfremden Einrichtung in Mannheim, she put democracy to the test in Herrschaft der Kunst (The Rule of Art, 2017-2018). Most recently she gave the residents of Esslingen unlimited support in the construction of their Stadt der Frauen* (City of Women), and since 2017 she has toured European pedestrian zones with her European House of Gambling. Last year she staged CRASHTEST-Spekulationen über die Zukunft unter Anleitung der Jugend (CRASHTEST - Speculations on the Future under the Guidance of the Youth) at the Bürgerbühne with young people from Dresden.

As of May 2019