Emeka Ogboh
Emeka Ogboh is a multimedia artist. Through his audio installations and gastronomic works, he explores how private, public, collective memories, and histories are translated into sound and taste. His works contemplate how sound and food frame our understanding of the world and provide a context in which to ask critical questions on immigration, globalization, and post-colonialism. Exhibitions include If Found Please Return to Lagos at Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (2017/18), Song of the Germans at Gropius Bau (2019), as well his participation at documenta 14 (2017).
As of March 2021

The Pregnant Oyster – Doubts on Universalism
Exhibition, talks, workshops and guided tours
Jun 30–Jul 3, 2022
Radiophonic Spaces
Radiophonic Funkkolleg III: Politics of Hearing Space
With Lino Camprubí, Marko Peljhan, Sebastian Kunas, and Emeka Ogboh
Lectures, lecture performances, sound performances
Nov 2, 2018