Lino Camprubí
Lino Camprubí is Researcher at the University of Seville in the Ramón y Cajal program. He focuses in oceanography, acoustics, and the global environment, as well as the acoustic construction of the maritime as a sonic space. Among his publications are Engineers and the Making of the Francoist Regime (2014), Technology and Globalisation (with David Pretel, 2018), the special issue Experiencing the Global Environment (with Philipp Lehmann, 2018), and articles such as The Sonic Construction of the Ocean as the Navy's (2018).
As of November 2018
Radiophonic Funkkolleg III: Politics of Hearing Space
Lectures, lecture performances, sound performances
Nov 2, 2018

Phosphorus: An Apparatus of the Technosphere
Oct 2, 2015