Archive until 2022. To the current program

Sandeep Bhagwati

Sandeep Bhagwati is an award-winning composer, poet, researcher, conductor, and media artist. His compositions and “comprovisations” are regularly performed world­wide. He founded and currently directs matralab, a research space for performative, intermedia, and interactive arts at Concordia University in Montreal, where he also held a Canada Research Chair for Inter-X-Art Practice and Theory from 2006 to 2016. He has curated and directed festivals for New Music in München, Karlsruhe, and Berlin as well as long-term intertraditional projects with Asian musicians and European New Music ensembles. Bhagwati was professor of composition and multimedia at Karlsruhe Music University and has been a composer­in-residence/fellow/guest professor at IRCAM Paris, ZKM Karlsruhe, Beethoven Orchestra Bonn, IEM Graz, CalArts in Los Angeles, Heidelberg University, and Berlin University of Arts. His current work centers on comprovisation, trans-traditional aesthetics, gestural as well as sonic theatre, and situative, non-visual score technologies, such as the body:suit:score.

As of January 2019