Étienne Balibar
Étienne Balibar is Professor Emeritus of Moral and Political Philosophy at Université Paris Nanterre and a visiting professor at Columbia University, New York. He is a leading Marxist intellectual and has lectured and published widely in the areas of epistemology, Marxist philosophy, and moral and political philosophy in general. Among his most notable publications are Reading Capital (with Louis Althusser et al., 1965, Eng. 1970), Race, Nation, Class (with Immanuel Wallerstein, 1988, Eng. 1991), We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship (2001, Eng. 2004), and Citizen Subject: Foundations for Philosophical Anthropology (2017). Most recently he was awarded the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought (2017).
As of March 2018

Race, Nation and Class: Rethinking their Articulation
Lecture, discussion
Mar 15, 2018

Intersecting Optics: A Dialogue on ”Race, Nation, Class“ 30 years on
Mar 15–17, 2018