Archive until 2022. To the current program

Counter Gravity

The Films of Heinz Emigholz

Edited by Anselm Franke, Heinz Emigholz, HKW
Graphic design: Stefan Kanter, moniteurs Berlin
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König 2021
German and English edition
20 x 26,5 cm, 352 pages, ca. 520 illustrations
Containing a richly illustrated filmography
German edition: ISBN 978-3-96098-983-7
English edition: ISBN 978-3-96098-984-4
Sales pr: 36 €

Available at bookstores, mail order buying / postal shopping via the Webshop

“All architecture is what you do to it when you look upon it.” Walt Whitman

Heinz Emigholz is a pioneer of experimental architecture and narrative film who has been deciphering the experience of film, time, and space since the 1970s, while also exploring the texture of memory and consciousness. Thanks to his unique formal language he has radically distanced himself from conventional representations of space and architecture in film, creating instead an alternative narrative of modernist architecture. Counter Gravity provides the first comprehensive overview of Heinz Emigholz’s cinematic oeuvre.

With contributions by: Anselm Franke, Heinz Emigholz, Gertrud Koch, Dennis Lim, Ulrike Lorenz, Andreas Reihse

With friendly support of Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts

Table of contents:

by Anselm Franke

Schenec-Tady I
Schenec-Tady II
Schenec-Tady III

A Scene Near Schenec-Tady
Essay by Heinz Emigholz

Ordinary Sentence
Die Basis des Make-Up
The Meadow of Things
The Basis of Make-Up (I)

I Can’t Bear Forgetting
Conversation with Ulrike Lorenz, November 21, 2020

Four spreads from a sketchbook started in 1985

The Holy Bunch
Sullivan’s Banks
Maillart’s Bridges

Cinematographic Recordings of Dream Architectures
Essay by Gertrud Koch

The Basis of Make-Up (II)
Miscellanea (I)
Miscellanea (II)
Goff in the Desert
The Basis of Make-Up (III)

CINEMATOGRAPHY I: Twelve pages of Heads and Architecture
from the film The Holy Bunch

Writing Is a Gray Value
Conversation with Ulrike Lorenz, November 22, 2020

Thirteen pages from a sketchbook started in 2017

Miscellanea (III)
D’Annunzio’s Cave

CINEMATOGRAPHY II: Interiors and Exteriors
from the films Sullivan’s Banks and Maillart’s Bridges

Two Interview Films on Robert Maillart
Schindler’s Houses
Loos ornamental
The Whitman Project
Ornament and Crime by Adolf Loos
54 Short Films for the Touring Exhibition Sense of Architecture
Sense of Architecture
Two Projects by Frederick Kiesler
A Series of Thoughts
A Museum in Essen
El Greco in Toledo
Leonardo’s Tears
On Board the USS Ticonderoga

CINEMATOGRAPHY III: Dialogues in Space
from the film Streetscapes [Dialogue]

Parabeton – Pier Luigi Nervi and Roman Concrete
Perret in France and Algeria

Anselm Franke and Heinz Emigholz

The Airstrip
Two Museums
Le Corbusier [|||||] Asger Jorn [Relief ]
2+2=22 [The Alphabet]

A Brief Musical Guide
Essay by Andreas Reihse

Bickels [Socialism]
Streetscapes [Dialogue]
Dieste [Uruguay]
Two Basilicas
Years of Construction
The Last City

Endings and Beginnings
Essay by Dennis Lim

The Lobby
Two Houses by Arno Brandlhuber
Berlin [Underground]

Projects that have not yet been realized

CINEMATOGRAPHY IV: Research in El Alto