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Nervöse Systeme

Nervöse Systeme

100 Years of Now Library
Editors: Anselm Franke, Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin , 2017
224 pages, German
ISBN 978-3-95757-410-7
Price: 18 €

Available at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and at bookstores, mail order buying / postal shopping via the Webshop

Today, the nervous system has become the leitmotiv of an increasingly nervous, technologically highly equipped age. Companies talk about “smart nerves” and “synaptic real-time connections” as organizational solutions for almost any problem, whether in apparatuses of the state, economy or ecology. The volume examines how the new trust in technological solutions and databased algorithms, supported by data analysis, reality mining, pattern recognition and forecasts, has changed our understanding of the “self” and the “social.” It frames the examination of data in social and political strategies of the past hundred years.