Die Zeit der Algorithmen

Opening volume of the 100 Years of Now Library
Editor: Bernd Scherer
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2016
72 pages, German
ISBN 978-3-95757-368-1
Price: 12 €
Available at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and at bookstores, mail order buying / postal shopping via the Webshop
Under pressure from the present, contemporary thinking often lacks both an awareness of history and a future horizon. How did we develop this fixation on an instant, on the present moment? In the first volume, Die Zeit der Algorithmen, the science researcher Helga Nowotny, author of the visionary book Eigenzeit (1989), and HKW director Bernd Scherer examine how notions of time evolved between capitalism, armed conflicts and technological progress, how time is experienced today, what alternatives there may be to the ever more global raster of acceleration and timing and what role the peripheries and margins of the algorithm play in it all.
The following volumes in the series published by Matthes & Seitz will take up pivotal issues from the past 100 years: the housing question, the modernity of the artistic avant-gardes, the correlation between war and technology, the impact of historic feminist and anarchist movements, questions of political classification systems, disruptions in the planet’s metabolism as well as data production and cybernetics, the history of produced music and the school of the future.