Archive until 2022. To the current program

Weise 7: The In/compatible Laboratorium

Labor Berlin 8: Weise 7, the in/compatible laboratorium

Artists: Servando Barreiro (ES), Brendan Howell (US), Julian Oliver (NZ), Gordan Savicic (AT), Bengt Sjölén (SE), Danja Vasiliev (RU)
ISBN: 987-3-9812080-9-2
Price: € 85,00

Out of print, possibly available in antiquarian bookshops.

“Weise7, the incompatible laboratorium” publication is an Internet independent, digital archive. It is comprised of a small, custom-made wireless device and a traditional book cover. Once the book is open, a device inside is powered on; this effectively creates a wifi network. People can join that network with their smart-phones, tablet computers and laptops. Archival materials and documentation contained in the book can be navigated through by using a regular web-browser.

Just like any other book the Weise7 archive is immutable—it is a time snapshot encapsulated into a new kind of publication.