HKW Audio

HKW Audio

Audio – 0:00:00

Eigenzeit Revisited | Helga Nowotny (English)

100 Jahre Gegenwart. Der Auftakt 30.9.–4.10.2015 Keynote

Audio – 1:42:59

Confronting Logistics: Ports, Migration, Encounters

Thu, Sep 24, 2015 Lecture by Laleh Khalili

Audio – 0:08:34

Reading with NoViolet Bulawayo & Miriam Mandelkow

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

Audio – 0:08:48

Reading with Patrick Chamoiseau & Beate Thill

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8 2015

Audio – 0:12:43

Reading with Daša Drndic, Brigitte Döbert & Blanka Stipetic

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

Audio – 0:15:25

Reading with Gilbert Gatore & Katja Meintel

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

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Talk with Amos Oz and Mirjam Pressler led by Michael Krüger (German Translation)

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

Audio – 0:20:40

Readings with Amos Oz & Mirjam Pressler

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

Audio – 0:14:13

Opening with Bernd Scherer

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

Audio – 0:23:38

Reading with Krisztina Tóth & György Buda

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015 | Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 Wed, Jul 8, 2015

Audio – 0:52:58

Ape Culture | The exhibition on

Pupils from the Oberstufenzentrum für Kommunikations-, Informations- und Medientechnik (OSZ Kim) will produce a radio feature about Ape Culture.

Audio – 0:59:04

Radiofeature zur Ausstellung

Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit So, 29.3.2015

Audio – 4:48:44

Naomi Klein – The Decision: Capital versus Climate (German, English)

Democracy Lecture 2015 With Tadzio Müller, Luise Neumann-Cosel, moderated by Ulrich Brand Original version Lecture, discussion, Mar 22, 2015

Audio – 0:17:12

Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit | HÄNDE / WERKZEUG / GESTEN | Birger Priddat

Sa, 28.02.2015 Präsentation Birger Priddat (Ökonom, Philosoph, Universität Witten/Herdecke)

Audio – 0:27:00

HÄNDE / WERKZEUG / GESTEN | Bernhard Siegert

Labor in a Single Shot Sat, Feb 28, 2015 Presentation Bernhard Siegert (media historian and theorist, Bauhaus-University, Weimar)

Audio – 0:26:53

HANDS / TOOLS / GESTURES | Bernhard Siegert

LAbor in a Single Shot Sat, Feb 28, 2015 Presentation Bernhard Siegert (media historian, theorist, Bauhaus University, Weimar)

Audio – 0:16:44

/HANDS / TOOLS / GESTURES/ | John Akomfrah

Labour in a Single Shot Sat, Feb 28, 2015 Presentation John Akomfrah (artist, writer, theorist, London)