Video – 0:04:27

Julia Kristeva and Sigrid Weigel (2/3)

The Need to Believe and the Force of Monotheism - Discussion

Video – 0:07:07

Julia Kristeva and Sigrid Weigel (3/3)

The Need to Believe and the Force of Monotheism - Discussion

Video – 0:50:59

Germany's Muslims and European Islam | Tariq Ramadan

Germany's Muslims and European Islam 2011, Fri, Jan 21 Tariq Ramadan: What is happening on the ground?

Audio – 0:10:24

Germany's Muslims and European Islam | Caroline Fetscher

2011, Fri, Jan 21 Germany's Muslims and European Islam Caroline Fetscher: Die Gefahr der Kulturalisierung des politischen Diskurses

Audio – 0:06:55

Germany's Muslims and European Islam | Bernd Scherer

2011, Fri, Jan 21 Germany's Muslims and European Islam Opening Statment Bernd Scherer